• Member Since 12th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen May 7th, 2023


Being a good writer doesn't mean to never fuck up, it means making the best of your mistakes

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  • 156 weeks
    Well, it's complicated

    I'll keep it short. Due to a couple of things, some related to fimfiction, some aren't, I'll be leaving the site for the time being.

    Writing progress has been slow, anyway, and I don't know when, or if, I'll ever get into it in general or fimfiction in specific again.

    I wish all of you the best of luck, and may we meet again someday

    2 comments · 246 views
  • 164 weeks

    Hello everyone,

    again, sorry for the long wait, its kinda stressful right now because of vaguley points at everything, so the rewrite will take a lot more time.

    But there's also good news:

    1. I have a short story for Pride Month ready that should be released early next month.
    2. I have another short story almost ready that shouldn't take too much more time to complete.

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    4 comments · 222 views
  • 175 weeks
    Looking for a new editor

    Hello again,

    I'm back a bit sooner than usual. The news this time is that my editor and I have decided that it would be best for me to look for a new editor for my stories, primarily the currently offline for reworks Nocturnals, and the things related to it. Which to be fair is basically everything I write.

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    0 comments · 204 views
  • 176 weeks
    Reworks Update

    Hello everyone,

    just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive. The rework is more challenging than I expected, and progress has been really slow, and I apologise for that. It will take way more time than I hoped.

    For the last few weeks, I just lost my drive. I hope that it will get better soon, and I promise that I'll get it done even if it takes decades, but... Yeah. I'm not really feeling it right now. Maybe the state of the world right now finally caught up with me.

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    3 comments · 210 views
  • 189 weeks

    Hello everyone,

    You might have noticed that my story Nocturnals is currently not available. That's because I revoked the submission while I'm reworking the first 5 episodes, introducing some important changes.

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    3 comments · 216 views

Noctris-Verse · 8:46pm Jun 11th, 2019

I'll collect all stories that belong to the Noctris-verse here.

Report Blackyoshi · 1,113 views ·
Comments ( 27 )
  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27

You deserve a smile, awesome possum!

Trying to spread more kindness around this site. Always here to bring the cheer. 😇💖

You're my friend-a-doodle now. Have a cookie! 🍪:rainbowkiss:

You ever need anything, I'm always around. 😌

Hello! I liked our discord chat

  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27
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