• Member Since 5th Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Silent Wing

A Pony that loves to read, to write, and is obsessed with video games

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Blog Posts

  • 36 weeks
    Little Upgrades

    Just wanted to inform you about a few little things.

    Can I have a hug please? has now a cover, thanks to Little Tigress.
    I started working on a sequeal for it (title not decided yet).
    It will most likely be a multiple chapter story, though I haven't decided on how many yet, but at least three.

    There is also some art for it in the works too.

    3 comments · 139 views
  • 119 weeks
    New Art and Progress report

    Let's beginn with what you are probably most interrested inTthe next Chapter of Luna's little Rose is coming along nicely. While I am struggeling a bit with the last scene, I doubt it will take me that long. So, with luck, I may even be able to send it to my editor in the course of the week.

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    4 comments · 397 views
  • 121 weeks
    Taking up writting again

    So now after a far too long time without doing anything productive in my free time, I finally decided to pick up writing again.

    For now, my focus will lay on Luna's little Rose, since I have the most usefull ideas for her.
    Trust me, I have more ideas I can count, and if you guys are interrested, I can give you a quick rundown over them, but not today.
    Also, I just contacted Mix-up, asking if he will be interrested to make some chapter art and a cover for the story at a later point.

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    5 comments · 390 views
  • 135 weeks
    Hearts Wearming

    Hi everypony,

    I just wanted to wish you all happy holidays, and as a small excuse for not updateing so long,
    I have a little sneakpeak into the future of Child of Two Worlds prepared.

    I hope you all like it and maybe visit MIx-ups DA as a quick thank you as well. Without him, there wouldn't be as much art in my stories as it currently is.

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    7 comments · 217 views
  • 145 weeks
    Rewrite CoTW

    Hello everypony,

    I am sorry to say this but I will probably mark the last four chapters as non-canon and will rewrite them. For a while I already felt uncomfortable with them and I believe they don't have a place in a fun story.

    Should I go through with that, they will still be available but marked as non-canon.

    I already have better, more fun ideas, but I am unsure if that is the right thing to do.

    Please tell me how you think about it.

    Hope you all are doing fine,


    6 comments · 338 views



Little Upgrades · 10:20am Nov 16th, 2023

Just wanted to inform you about a few little things.

Can I have a hug please? has now a cover, thanks to Little Tigress.
I started working on a sequeal for it (title not decided yet).
It will most likely be a multiple chapter story, though I haven't decided on how many yet, but at least three.

There is also some art for it in the works too.

Comments ( 124 )
  • Viewing 120 - 124 of 124

As long as the quality stays top, I don't mind waiting for new chapters. Some stories I like only update all 3 too 12 months, yet Istill enjoy them nontheless.

I expect regularity on Fridays until the end of the summer at least. :moustache: Subject to change of course. Ch4 got a major overhaul from a good suggestion, so it could happen again. Took about 3-4 weeks to do that…:rainbowderp: I’m not nearly as fast as most. :fluttershyouch: But it is much better for it, I think. :eeyup:

That story is far from silly and I greatly enjoyed it so far. Hope there will be more to come soon.

Thank you for tracking my silly story. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 120 - 124 of 124
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