• Member Since 11th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 56 minutes ago


My passions consume me https://ko-fi.com/crimsonwolf360 or https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4398966 if you wish to help them consume me further. Also I have a discord now https://discord.gg/BvKqTMEnjN

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We broke 1k followers! · 9:03pm April 12th

The day is finally upon us! We broke 1000 followers! Woohoo! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you to all of you for following me on here. It really does mean a lot and I can't tell you how much I appreciate you guys following my work. It's been a long road but hopefully there's many more fun stories to be had.

Thank you all for 1k and I hope to see 2k one day!

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Comments ( 119 )
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Have you ever found yourself looking for a new place to stay, but nopony is willing to give you chance because you don't have a cutie mark? Have they told you they can't trust you to pay your lease without a special talent that you can reliably rake in the bits? Well look no further than the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We've got the methods and the manners to get you towards your special talent while keeping your sanity intact. We've helped hundreds of other fillies find their cutie mark, and you can find all our satisfied clients on our website! What are you waiting for? Discover your mark in the world today, and if we can't find your mark in thirty days, we can't refund you! (We already spent the bits)

Not as awesome as youuu!

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