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- Scootaloo's a happy little pegasus, but even her friends don't know how bad her family life is. That changes when she finds a certain crystal tyrant's horn and revives him. Now she has a new daddy!No Pony · 9.2k words · 100 4 · 2.7k views
- The Apple family is a large, proud group of ponies that have a beloved reputation across Equestria and beyond. However, even they have their rotten apples, and those apples have bad seeds.No Pony · 4.5k words · 22 0 · 950 views
- Spike's love for Rarity is a secret to nopony, even the unicorn herself. The notion of a pony and a dragon is a rather outlandish one that most ponies seem to snort at. But to one individual it's perfection, and it's not Spike or Rarity.No Pony · 11k words · 35 2 · 1.3k views
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I really liked your story bugging out!
Will you ever come back to us?
Gotta say, man, your story "Bugging out" is honestly one of the best damn fanfics that I've read anywhere in years. So amazing.
Hey, great stories. Just wondering if you are going to write more?
love your work man, hoping to see more from you 😄