• Member Since 27th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

The Wingman


My stuff

Favourite pone

Link to the artist is here. Please show them some love. Click this

Comments ( 79 )
  • Viewing 75 - 79 of 79

Huh. Funny. Didn't realise it was that much of a short time ago. Still, tis nice to make your acquaintance. :pinkiesmile:


And that's kind of hilarious, as that comment of mine on that story is only a few days old.

No problem. I certainly don't write as much as I used to due to mental health so I get that. I'm mostly a reader nowadays myself.
Songs are cool. I appreciate that. As for the stories that I've seen you on, I cannot remember the names off by heart but I remember a recent one that I saw you on was a story from someone called "Soarin".

Again, thanks for the follow!

I only write about once every few hundred years, as I'm mostly a reader.

But I put out blogs about songs I like every single day, if that's anything you are interested in.

(And if at all possible, do you remember which stories you saw me on?)

Is that a Cynder profile pic I see? You, my friend, have great taste in dragons.

  • Viewing 75 - 79 of 79
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