• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...

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Small Announcement · 7:57pm June 2nd

Hope y'all are having a fantastic weekend!
I wanted to let everyone know that I've included some deliciously spicy content on a Pride Month Art Pack!
Six shorts for contributors and an extra big, extra meaty story for those who get the delux option!

For more details, check out Aer0's Twitter (@Aer0Zer0Ri2k). There's a metric ton of art, a few animations, and steamy stories written by yours truly!

Five bucks for the basic pack
Eight bucks for the delux

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Report Some Leech · 632 views ·
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  • Viewing 737 - 741 of 741

Trust me, I know the feeling. :trollestia:

Lol I have brain worms. :facehoof:

It is currently Tuesday, my dude! Don't worry, piping hot story will be going up tomorrow!

Hey given that you enjoy writing about slutty femboys I think we should all be deeply grateful.

Anyway it's Wednesday, where's our smut? :trollestia:

I'll do my best not to disappoint!

  • Viewing 737 - 741 of 741
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