• Member Since 5th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Love both the most brutal metal of all, and adorable ponies? That's doable.


Be a Part of the Future! · 12:25am Feb 13th, 2020

Hello to all my... *checks profile* two dozen followers! I know I may not be the most prolific writer on the site, and I hope you'll help me in rectifying it. I've been kicking around four separate ideas forever, without putting much effort into them. I'd like you, the audience to help me decide!
Whichever one of these four gets the most votes will become my main focus, and I'll crank out a chapter or three in the coming weeks.

They are:

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Report Hamburgertime · 211 views ·

Be a Part of the Future! · 12:25am Feb 13th, 2020

Hello to all my... *checks profile* two dozen followers! I know I may not be the most prolific writer on the site, and I hope you'll help me in rectifying it. I've been kicking around four separate ideas forever, without putting much effort into them. I'd like you, the audience to help me decide!
Whichever one of these four gets the most votes will become my main focus, and I'll crank out a chapter or three in the coming weeks.

They are:

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Report Hamburgertime · 211 views ·

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Comments ( 9 )
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Thank you for your concern! I assure you that my name stems from loving the song, not Hamburger time. :pinkiecrazy:

Just hoping you haven't hamburger time yet (if you get the reference).

Thanks! I made it myself! I might even write a story this year! :trollestia:

  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9
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