• Member Since 8th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Oct 14th, 2020

Kody The Ultimate Brony

Otherwise known as Alastor Deer Daddy~

Blog Posts

  • 197 weeks
    What does it mean to have social anxiety?

    Have you ever done something embarrassing and felt like everyone is staring at you, judging you silently? That's how social anxiety feels, going out into public and talking to people, on a daily basis, you second guess yourself constantly, it causes you to be on edge, constantly with the anxiety, the difference between being antisocial and having social anxiety is clear but misconstrued, and there are people out there who are highly antisocial, like me and also doesn't like human interaction

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    47 comments · 2,157 views
  • 197 weeks
    What does it mean to be antisocial?

    Let me explain, it's losing the will to interact with people especially larger groups, avoiding them and sometimes abandoning social interaction for online interaction, why? Because the way I see it coming from someone who is also antisocial, for one I do it to avoid major conflict and to avoid people who will backstab you at any given chance, people who will make your life a living hell and not feel an ounce of regret, and just to avoid even the possibility because when you're online even

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    3 comments · 750 views
  • 197 weeks
    It's been a very long time since I've taken a cota bus

    I guess I get to do it again today

    0 comments · 663 views
  • 198 weeks
    Hey guys!!!

    I'm sleeping under a bridge tonight! Wish me luck:pinkiecrazy:

    9 comments · 642 views
  • 198 weeks
    Has anyone else ever contemplated how stupid phone bills really are?

    Like, honestly, what was going through the people who created the internet and data's heads? "Okay, we're going to make the greatest innovation ever, everyone is going to want it, they'll be able to talk to their families, they'll be able to stream whatever videos they want, and they'll be able to do pretty much anything, but we're gonna be dicks and make them pay for it" I just find it stupid how we have to pay to watch TV and use the internet, and all that happy horseshit, and I'm not dissing

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    7 comments · 431 views


Name: Cody Wayne Patrick/ A.K.A. Kody The Ultimate Brony/ A.K.A. Lord Discord
age: 18
residence: Newark Ohio
D.O.B.: September 17, 2001
favorite pony: Vinyl Scratch
Height: 6ft
weight: somewhere between 121lbs and 130lbs
Relationship status: Taken
sexuality: bisexual
Hobbies: Shooting guns, talking to my friends, listening to music, reading, sometimes writing, making new friends, e.t.c.

Go check out my good friend Fallout Dude 50's blog posts they are to die for hilarious, and maybe consider giving him a follow


What does it mean to have social anxiety? · 6:55pm Oct 12th, 2020

Have you ever done something embarrassing and felt like everyone is staring at you, judging you silently? That's how social anxiety feels, going out into public and talking to people, on a daily basis, you second guess yourself constantly, it causes you to be on edge, constantly with the anxiety, the difference between being antisocial and having social anxiety is clear but misconstrued, and there are people out there who are highly antisocial, like me and also doesn't like human interaction

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Report Kody The Ultimate Brony · 2,157 views ·