The Fluttershy Fan Club 744 members · 1,076 stories

Who is she? Don't ask that question, it's Fluttershy! The great cheerer, friend, and animal caretaker!
The adorable yellow pegasus! Everything here is BUTTERFLIES! This is the beloved fan club for everyone's favorite character! Well, most. But she does deserve a fan club!

Rules: (Yes, rules are very necessary)
1. No racism.
2. Try to be nice, just like the Element of Kindness.
3. Don't use strong swear words.
4. Don't attack ANYONE or ANYTHING!

If you see any of these rules broken, please report to me right away or an admin.
And most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!

And, please try to spread the word. Help is appreciated.

Twist?! She's adorkable! What's not to like? Go join her group where everything's adorkable!

House of D'aww
You like cute, don't you? If you do, then this group you sure will enjoy! Come on down to the House of D'aww!

Cuteness Overload
Welcome to the group of cuteness-induced diabetes! This is the group of the best ponies on the show- adorable little fillies!

The Elements of the Tree of Harmony
This is the perfect group to share your stories of what's in the box, seventh elements, and the elements of harmony!

Comments ( 64 )
  • Viewing 45 - 64 of 64

Hi everyone,

I'm not new to this forum but I'm a newbie in the writing department. I've been working on a Fan fiction for some time. It's not much but that's my legacy to this fandom.

Consider a read maybe (and a like as well if you think this has potential). I could use some criticism as well.

See ya

Hello everyone! I just joined your group and thought it would be polite to say hi. I hope you are having a wonderful day full of inspiration. :pinkiehappy: Could some of you perhaps help me with a question? See, I used to be a bit of a loner when it comes to writing and only recently decided to find out what the groups on FIMFiction have to offer. So… what usually happens in a group like this? I understand you can add stories to folders that correspond with the kind of story you have made. Can I do that right now or must I ask for permission? Should I announce my stories as well? Do you have any tips and tricks on how to make the most out of this group? I hope you can help me out. Thanks in advance! :twilightsmile:

Lots of love, :heart:


Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryutora deleted Mar 12th, 2024

Hey everyone! I'm new here, and I just added my stories to the Romance folder. Sweet & Delicate, Loveliest of Trees, Distractions, Rumors, and Amorosity. All part of the same series, with Loveliest of Trees being my favorite. I would love for you all to check them out and let me know what you think. Thank you so much for your time if you do read it. :yay: :yay: :yay:

A great friend once said to me, "If i was fluttershy's husband, i would be overprotective like a teenage dad who will not let her daughter go anywhere."
Then i said, "That reminds me of something."

My friend will never cease to entertain me.

393493 Vai Lapista :raritystarry:. Rovaniemi on varmaan hieno paikka, mä en koskaan käynny Joensuuta pohjoisempana. Mä oon koko ikäni asunu täällä etelässä Helsingissä.

393491 Olen kotoisin Rovaniemi!

393467 Eipä täs paljoa, päivä kerrallaan mennään :applejackconfused:. Jännä tavata meikäläisiä täällä FimFiction-sivulla, ku ei omasta kaveripiiristä broneja löydy :twilightsheepish:. Mistä päin suomenmaata kirjoittelet?

393455 :pinkiehappy: Hei, Kuinka voit?

393122 No terve terve! :pinkiesmile:

Hi everypony! :twilightsmile:

1. No racism.
2. Try to be nice, just like the Element of Kindness.
3. Don't use strong swear words.
4. Don't attack ANYONE or ANYTHING

I just wanted to note, Fluttershy would never do any of that, so HER fans better not either!

I love Fluttershy!! :yay:

4. Don't attack ANYONE or ANYTHING!

what if it attacks first?

Oh my goodness so many Flutter fans! IM SO HAPPY I COULD JUST SCREAM! yay:yay: *join*

  • Viewing 45 - 64 of 64