• Member Since 29th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Writing for fun and to sometime get lost in my own world building

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A Pegasus Promise Update · 11:18pm May 15th, 2021

Hey guys,

Chapters 8 and now 9 are out,

And with that out of the way, I'm minutes away to check the ''complete'' tag on ''A Pegasus Promise''. It was my biggest project and now it's complete. I can't tell you how happy I am and I hope you had fun getting to the end of it.

So thank you from the bottom of my heart to gave my story a chance. I'm not much of an author but I had an interesting idea that I tried to put into words. I hope you will somehow love the ending.

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Comments ( 6 )
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Thanks for favoriting All the Angels, deuces!

Thanks for the fav!

Thank you for having added Welcome Home Soldier to your favorites. I'm really grateful for that, hope you continue to enjoy it sugarcube. :ajsmug: :eeyup:


First, I just want to say thanks for taking time to write me a message.

Second, your story was excellent. I really enjoyed the whole feeling, the tone of the story and the sadness i experienced while reading it.

Other than the story itself, there was a part that struck me hard while being of little importance to the whole story. That part that really sold it for me (and lead your story to my fav section) was a simple dialogue and I quote: Her hoof moved gently across his scales as the fire reached further down the tree. β€œDo you want me to—” She gazed deep into him with those ancient, purple eyes of hers. β€œI’ll tell her you said hi.”

That little part about Rarity, right there, broke my heart and, as the saying goes, punch me in the feels :derpytongue2:

As i mentioned it, that part was not so important to the plot but, somehow, I sank in the abyss of nostalgia and almost got depressed just by this little phrase.

I never felt something like this before, never have I felt so hurt by words.

I will conclude by saying that it takes a great author to make readers feel that way. You're a great author my friend.

Sincerely, waterwindearthfire.

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