• Member Since 20th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Why do I write? Because it's fun! :D

Blog Posts

  • 3 weeks

    Hey guys.

    Just wanted to let you know the next chapter is ready, but is still waiting for editing. It is not forgotten, and I am in daily contact with SoloBrony. He is having some private issues, he is okay and stuff, but it takes up a lot of his time. However he is just as eager to get it out to you, but like you all know our private lives comes first.

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    5 comments · 352 views
  • 7 weeks

    Heyo guys!

    Just wanted to give you a quick update on progress. The latest chapter is written, and I have started on writing the chapter after that. So the story is moving ahead nicely. :twilightsmile:

    Sadly SoloBrony has had some storm issues that has made some damages around his home, and for now he is focusing on getting everything fixed up, as we all would.

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    1 comments · 484 views
  • 8 weeks

    I'm so sorry guys, but I have to put this story on pause.

    It isn't because I've lost my muse, or I don't know what to write. But this story is being worked on by me and my friend as a fun side project, but something has come up, and my friend will be out of commission for a while. My friend is alright, but due to some personal circumstances, I want to put this story on hold until my friend is back and ready.

    Thank you for your understanding.


    2 comments · 282 views
  • 10 weeks

    Writing: 100%

    Editing: 0% (Will start soon.)

    16 comments · 940 views
  • 14 weeks
    New New Cover

    Soooo, due to popular demand, the old cover has returned, until I have made a better one. Thankfully I can still use the artwork, just without the text. But don't worry, you guys have your cute Luna back. :twilightsmile:

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    8 comments · 720 views

Update · 7:12am July 5th

Hey guys.

Just wanted to let you know the next chapter is ready, but is still waiting for editing. It is not forgotten, and I am in daily contact with SoloBrony. He is having some private issues, he is okay and stuff, but it takes up a lot of his time. However he is just as eager to get it out to you, but like you all know our private lives comes first.

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Comments ( 193 )
  • Viewing 189 - 193 of 193

Any update on the King: The Beginning reboot, is it still happening?


You're welcome! Happy Hearth's Warming! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 189 - 193 of 193
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