I am still alive · 8:47pm Nov 21st, 2015
Hey guys.
It's been... Wow, over 6 months of silence since my last comment, post or chapter...
This is really embarrassing...
I am so sorry for the lack of updates on my story.
Over the last months, I've lost my job (I wasn't fired or let go, it's more like my job ceased to exist, at least the department I worked in did) and not long after, my family lost the last of our dogs, only a little over a year after we had lost another one.
I don't care if it's like 5 year from now this man's better finish no more nightmare this is to good to stay dead for ever I read it not to far back and loved it I know it's be dead for a long ass time but out of all of the unfinished stories I've read I hope this one gets finished
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
Maybe Someday.
Better get to it quickly then before the last night of this month. I heard that it is the most magical nights of them all for stuff like this, so who knows.
FUCK. That's like, ten. Do you know how hard that will be!? Ugh...there goes my weekend.