
Viewing 1 - 20 of 530 results

No new chapter of Rumble tonight. · 1:30am Feb 25th, 2020

Due to making a change in the next chapter and waiting for a green-light from the commissioner, and wanting this story to be as good as possible, I'll be postponing publishing the next chapter tonight. It should be out tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!


Mini-poll: Dominant Creed update schedule · 9:24pm Sep 17th, 2018

As readers will know, I'm a pretty slow writer. Chapter 6 of Dominant Creed took nine months to produce, and for all I know it may take as long to get chapter 7 done.

This slow pace is a problem. On one hand, readers start thinking the story is dead. On the other hand, I depend on reader response for keeping my own motivation up, so that gets pretty bad when nine months pass between fixes.

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Report Troposphere · 579 views · #delays

Delay · 9:54pm Sep 27th, 2016

Hello everybrony:fluttershysad:

So, I've written that I was planning to finish the fourth chapter of other in one week, alias yesterday...

I tried. :fluttercry:

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Report andrizzi · 312 views · #delay

Starlight's Shifting Sands status update · 7:57am Apr 21st, 2018

I know this story is one that a good number of people have been enjoying so far, and I want to assuage any panic immediately due to the long break since the most recent chapter: this story will be continuing soon.

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Report Voldine · 349 views · #delay

Delay No.8 · 12:40pm May 7th, 2018

Delay No.8 will be displayed at the bottom. Any further enquires will either be a comment or a Private Message.

This time the delay is a little more subtle: a have a lot of assignments to do already. Besides some sporting events that are upcoming, I also have to take part my usual workload (which to be honest, isn't very much or little).

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Report MrUser · 295 views · #delays

Well... Fudge · 7:09pm Jan 29th, 2021

EDIT: Aaaaaannnnd it's up! Thank you all again for waiting! Please enjoy!

Howdy howdy ya'll...

... So... BAD news... Something funny went done with today's chapter when I sent it over to Fimfiction from gdocs, and now I have to do a little more editing then I thought I was going to need to do tonight :fluttercry:

Part 9 will be released a few hours past noon this Friday, and the ending will be released around the normal time on Saturday.

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Report ManlyDerp · 339 views · #delay

Expect delays. · 7:50am Feb 3rd, 2021

New project is starting at work and I've been mega busy. I haven't been able to write anything and the buffer for One Hug Bug I had is gone too. Right now, I have no idea about how frequently I'm going to be updating anything.
Sorry for that.

But hey, more time to catch up on other stories from my world if anything interests you.
Also, if you haven't done it, read Hard Reset. Best story ever.

Report Nameless Narrator · 207 views · #delays

Metaphoric Vehicle in the Shop · 8:29pm Jul 17th, 2021

I have a prospective pre-reader now, but applicants are still welcome. I hope to get back on the road by Monday. A swift calculation shows I have between 24 and 30 chapters written that you have yet to read! ...with about another 5 to 10 to write, so there’s plenty to come. Please pardon my tardiness. If you like what you’ve read so far, Starlight has only just begun to fight! Meanwhile, have you read

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Report scifipony · 182 views · #Delays

Next chapter will be late · 12:57pm Jul 1st, 2017

The next chapter will be late.

I'm not happy that I broke my one-chapter-a-month streak, but I'm also not happy with the current draft.


Report Banjo64 · 669 views · #Delay

no chapter today · 5:16pm Jun 30th, 2019

Sorry to bring you bad news, but I'm JUST not gonna be able to finish and edit this chapter in time. im a couple hundred words away from the end right now, but I just dont think I can do it in time.

How could this happen?

Well, there are a couple reasons:

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Report Obsi · 296 views · #delay

Delays... · 5:13pm Mar 14th, 2018 my projects are in full effect right now. Between bullshit with work and bullshit with my family, I am too pissed off to think clearly enough to do any writing. I would like to try to get the next project released next Wednesday but that's not looking too good at the moment. Thanks to everyone who has been patient with me and as soon as this block clears, I'll have something up. Stay tuned...

Report pabrony · 321 views · #Delays

Story Update · 10:03pm Sep 11th, 2016

This is Zephyr Spark. I'm writing to let you all know that I haven't given up on "Cat and Mouse." Due to certain obligations, I have to put the story on hold until I've sorted out some confusion. This doesn't mean I'm going to quit the story. In fact, I already have a sort of rough draft of the next chapter which will be posted when ready. Thanks for your patience.

Report Zephyr Spark · 533 views · #Delays

LCS Delay · 12:59am Mar 26th, 2016

Hey, guys. Chillbook1 here, just wanting to let those LCS fans know that there's going to be a delay on the next chapter. I've been hilariously sick, and I haven't been able to get much work at all. Sorry if you were looking forward to it.

See you when I see you.

Also, hey, 100th blog post!

Report chillbook1 · 402 views · #Delays

State of the Creed · 10:17am Sep 16th, 2017

I usually don't like to pollute my followers' feeds with incessant status updates, but I noticed the view count for the latest Dominant Creed chapter creeping above 1000, and it's been almost three months now, so perhaps it's time to make an exception.

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Report Troposphere · 605 views · #delays

Chapter 3 · 6:14pm Aug 2nd, 2019

Gonna be delayed, possibly till next month. I find I have not had much time to write as of late, should be changing soon!

Report Tempestus · 254 views · #Delay

Delay No.6 & 7 · 10:57am Apr 26th, 2018

Delay No.6 will be explained in the following passage.

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Report MrUser · 255 views · #delays

Spinel delay · 7:04pm Dec 30th, 2019

Well Everycreature I am sad to say that some stuff has come up and I will not be having the Spinel season finale by the end of December like I wanted. It will be not too long after that, but the schedule is to tight to get it in the next two days.

Thank you all for bearing with me though, and I hope you like the finale

Created by Kiwi on Qoutev

Report luckyboys121 · 259 views · #delay

Delay · 8:47pm Jan 31st, 2022

Hello everypony, I came to inform you all that the next chapter of Ghost Of Equestria is delayed until next month, meaning, March 1st is when you will receive the next chapter.

Report Dragon-In-Black · 166 views · #Delay

Welp, 30,000 words didn't happen and I can't get a chapter out for this weekend :c · 5:52pm Aug 21st, 2016

Long story short, I'm moving into college and that's a challenge and a half. So, this weekend was basically me doing all of that work and no writing unfortunately. Don't worry, this won't be a regular thing going forward, it's just this weekend was incredibly busy for me and I'm super excited for this school year.

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Report The Lunar Samurai · 326 views · #delay

Delay on WoF: The Parallel Dream chapter 3 · 10:08pm Oct 19th, 2016

Hello, all. I've had a hard time writing this past week thanks to a variety of distractions, but the chapter is almost done. Hopefully, I'll have it up tomorrow, but it could go up as late as Saturday. It's coming though :)

Report Mudkipman98 · 336 views · #delay
Viewing 1 - 20 of 530 results