no chapter today · 5:16pm Jun 30th, 2019
Sorry to bring you bad news, but I'm JUST not gonna be able to finish and edit this chapter in time. im a couple hundred words away from the end right now, but I just dont think I can do it in time.
How could this happen?
Well, there are a couple reasons:
-It got stupidly hot in germany last week. Plus, my workplace does not have air conditioning, cold drinks aside from tapwater or even just a frikkin fan. When I was done "working" (sitting around while literally nothing was done all day by anyone), I felt about as creative as a zombie.
-I bought They Are Billions and it's been distracting me... alot.
-I am a horrible procrastinator.
But fret not, because I am not just gonna sit on my nearly finished chapter and making you wait needlessly. Next week will have a double update, both on Saturday and Sunday. Yay, a double breezie day!
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Yeah it was very very hot in Germany last week, and I should know because I live in Germany as well
thanks for understanding ^^
You’re welcome
It's fine I can wait
Double Sunday's yeah ^.^
Stupidly hot is the *worst*. I hope you get a break from that. Not fun at all.

Double breezie is good by me. Thanks Obsi!