• Member Since 8th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen Jan 4th, 2024


A person who loves to write fiction for those who enjoy reading said fiction.

  • TOdd Beginnings
    Paul Sevens loses his family, friends, occupation, money and belongings due to a mishap that happened in an other dimension. He has now ended up in Equestria, a place full of colourful, talking, mythical creatures, trying to cope with everything new.
    MrUser · 50k words  ·  24  7 · 1.4k views

More Blog Posts34

  • 323 weeks
    The Holiday Season Cometh (but with bad news)

    Good morning, afternoon or evening to anyone who is reading this. The title says it all: as the holiday season approaches, I will also be spending some family time overseas which means less to no time being spent on writing or very much on socialising with other people in this community. For those who are wondering, I will be going overseas for about three weeks - two more days until I leave (if

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  • 331 weeks

    I have been working a lot through the holidays but I have also seen some time to spend with friends and family so writing hasn't been so frequent. I have also attempted to inspire myself with other stories I listen to (grimdark, creepypasta, casual) so my writing should improve. With my break closing in a few days, I have many notes written down in what should continue and what should be

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  • 336 weeks
    Rewriting and Updates

    As the title suggests, I'm rewriting the 'Bright Flight and the Mysterious Colours' from start to finish. That's the main reason why it was on hiatus for the longest time. Hopefully, this gives you some insight on what will be happening for the next few weeks and holidays are nearing (for me at least) so I will possibly have more progression completed by the time that session rolls around.

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  • 336 weeks
    The New Series

    For those who have discovered me through my previous stories, there is a new series I am writing in place to all the time I have used to spend on educational purposes. I'm halfway through the term and assessments are nigh and so I've been working hard to get them to an exceptional level. Many of you will understand that Odd Beginnings won't have another chapter in a few weeks, maybe month due to

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    0 comments · 336 views
  • 341 weeks
    Pony Per Book, Derpy/Ditzy/Muffin's Chapter (Updated Chapter)

    From suggestions, I have recreated Derpy's chapter into some better in my opinion. It definitely fits my standards but it could obviously go with more improvement based on feedback if you are one to give. If you have not read the story yet, it's entirely your choice to read both chapters to view the comparison but in my opinion, just read the remake to save you some time.

    0 comments · 324 views

Delay No.6 & 7 · 10:57am Apr 26th, 2018

Delay No.6 will be explained in the following passage.

So basically, I'm having another setback with my story writing. It's not that big nor is it very small, it's mediocre so I can still write but just not as long as I want to. What's happening is that my parents invited some of their family (cousins, mine and their's) over here and I got the lucky draw of me being thrown from my room. I don't mind at all really, I get to sleep on the couch again! I just needed to clear something just in case people began spamming me with information about the newer chapters.

(Unless if it's Bright Flight and the Mysterious Colours or The Conquest of Equestria, I don't mind people asking)

Anyways, I just want people to know that I won't be as active so I probably won't be checking the feed a lot nor will I be creating as efficiently as I was before. This could result in late chapters (2-3 weeks, maybe a month) and late responses as well.

Delay No. 7 will be explained in the following passage.

Following on to that, they will be remaining here while my school commences so I'll be experiencing more issues. I'll have to adapt to the new criteria and a new teacher I'm receiving so I'm looking forward to that. Long story, short: I won't be interacting with you wonderful people (followers, non-followers, non-bronies) for a short while.

Final Note:

I will be back soon, don't worry but in the meantime, just read some other books! Surely, my stories aren't the best!
(I might be adding sneak peaks for the upcoming chapters for Odd Beginnings but if you're sensitive to that, I will be inputting a cover-up so you don't see a thing until you hover over it.)


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