Metaphoric Vehicle in the Shop · 8:29pm Jul 17th, 2021
I have a prospective pre-reader now, but applicants are still welcome. I hope to get back on the road by Monday. A swift calculation shows I have between 24 and 30 chapters written that you have yet to read! ...with about another 5 to 10 to write, so there’s plenty to come. Please pardon my tardiness. If you like what you’ve read so far, Starlight has only just begun to fight! Meanwhile, have you read Messing with the Wrong Alicorn is Not Optimal? Not Starlight, true, but this 7 year old girl is feisty. When asked if she wants to be an earth pony, a pegasus, or a unicorn, she says all of them. She is granted her wish—what could possibly go wrong?