• Member Since 12th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


FAN FICTION: Photon Prime - AO3: Captain Tempestus - Xbox/Discord: Titan0151


Birthday: 15th of August

Gender: Male

Personality: ISTJ

MLP Brony since 2012, went public on 11 Sept 2014 (Actually the 10th but it was barely after midnight...)

I spend all my time around airplanes, playing video games, writing/reading, or painting.

The Best Ponies!


Coming back soon · 1:48am July 19th

As the title says I shall return soon. I don't have a comfortable place to sit and write and life has been crazed. About to move from one state I'd rather not leave to another that I can actually afford to have a life in.

I promised to finish what I started and that is that.

Oh an I got married, had a honeymoon, we have a puppy, and life is good. (I may have also lost my login info for a bit and just figured out how to get back on here but I digres.)

Report Tempestus · 67 views · Story: The Tale of a Storm · #Life #update #return

My Stories

Comments ( 108 )
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Comment posted by Phetiamwantip deleted Apr 5th, 2023

Keep up the good story friend!

Thank you for the fav! :pinkiehappy:

You have horse words I will be reading soon! (Anytime!)

  • Viewing 104 - 108 of 108
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