• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 3rd, 2018

The Grey Pegasus

Pony stuff author since 2012. Writes supposedly good stuff. Still haven't made a break. Still persistent. Probably highly unlucky. Or hated by the universe. Either determined or insane. Or both.


2-0 · 2:09am Jun 13th, 2017

That's how old I am as of today. Interesting to think that I started here when I wasn't even 15 yet.

Time sure does fly. And a whole lot of things happened.


Report The Grey Pegasus · 539 views ·

Things In the Works

Last Updated: 04 July 2017
Hey there! This is stuff I'm currently working on. I write Slice of Life, random action, and war stories.

In order of priority:

User page and bookshelves and stuff - In progress

Another Displaced Human Dilemma- Chapter 18 in progress
[New War Story]- In progress
[Flight-series #4]- In progress
All Types of Rain- Take 3 in planning stages

Personal Art Projects (Link to deviantArt)
(Imagine that I have something substantive typed here.)

Random Fun Stuff

Fanfic writing in general:

Other half of fanfic writing in general:

Fanfic writing that I, among others, like to embody:

If you don't like it, you're no fun and gtfo.

Fun fact:


Other Works (in order of most recent)

Comments ( 179 )
  • Viewing 175 - 179 of 179

rip lol

Turns out I had just enough characters left to make the thing work a whole lot better. Has better flow now too.

Should probably just take out the 'either'. I'll put some thought into it later.

Either determined and/or insane.

Is that grammatical? Is it "either...or" (exclusive) or "and/or" (inclusive)?

Just so you know... you're a banana

  • Viewing 175 - 179 of 179
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Amazing Completed Stuff That Isn't In a Gallery Because I Already Have The Maximum Amount

[To be organized]