• Member Since 11th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen July 15th

RF and AG

Life gave me lemons, and with them I made horsewords. Try and figure that out.

RF and AG

AG: So, as those of you who have read the latest notes may know, I'm going to have much easier access to post up stories and chapters that I'm co-writing with Rain Fire. For those of you who have yet to get a more detailed explanation of what's going on, you can go here for a more detailed explanation regarding the changes that are taking place and why such changes are being implemented. So, I hope you enjoy our stories, and if you have any constructive feedback or find any fault in which I may have inadvertently erred with regards to grammar, please bring it to my attention as I'm always striving to improve, both as a writer and as an editor. For those who may want to check out what short stories I've written, you can go over to my personal acccount here.

RF: So here is the account, and there are the stories. Things will continue on as they have been but things look different. What awaits this page in the future? Hopefully more updates. please refer to above mentioned journal if you are wondering on what changed. Or feel free to message us. You'll get either AG or me, but no matter who, your question will be answered. Hope you enjoy the stories.


RF and AG

Imperial Equestria by Word Worthy

The reason I (Rain Fire) have this on my front page, is because in my spare time, I have been helping Word Worthy do some rewrites on a story of his, called Imperial Equestria. He's named me a co-author in ways, and I feel it is my duty as a good friend and co-author to give some publicity to this awesome story!

So if you like Halo/FiM or Sci/FiM or some twisted 40k/Fim then do follow the link in the picture!

Crossing the Divide Update Status

Crossing the Divide: Ch. 8 ~ 100% completed
Crossing the Divide: Ch. 9 ~ 100% completed
Crossing the Divide: Ch. 10 ~ 100% completed
Crossing the Divide: Ch: 11 ~ 0% completed

Comments ( 374 )
  • Viewing 365 - 374 of 374

Arise, o Slumbering One! Arise!

Writing for the writing god! Words for the word throne! :rainbowwild:

i might do a reading do put more animation into the joke, But right now im happy you liked it mind liking and commenting on the video itself i need the views so others can find my videos.

I can't think of a more accurate review of Traitor. :rainbowlaugh:

Seriously. Nailed it.

Long live Heavy Metal.

2066151 Hell no it isn't.

2066148 that ain't the way to treat the dead.

2066144 May he rest in peace, although he apparently hasn't as people have been vandalizing his grave.

  • Viewing 365 - 374 of 374
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