• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen June 12th


Music Of The Day


LFG OVERWATCH · 2:12pm Jun 22nd, 2016

Basically looking for some laid back people aspiring to go competitive.

I'm still in the learning process, but getting there.

So again, need laid back people, casual and/or hardcore, but willing to work together and bring home the W's. So if you're interested, please leave a message in the INBOX, not the comments. To figure out hours and timezones, etc etc.

Unfortunately because I'm a pleb,

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Report P3RROHAMBRE · 520 views ·
Comments ( 216 )
  • Viewing 212 - 216 of 216

Hold on, wait a second. last seen June 12th. Holy banoley, you're still alive.

I love your work (I found you thru M0re Than Gam3rs) and I noticed that you haven't written anything in a few years. Just hoping things are going well for you IRL.

Bruh, gimme that shit

Hey man, been a while since we played Xbox or chatted! You got a Discord yo?

  • Viewing 212 - 216 of 216
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