• Member Since 9th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Just a random Brony writing some of the most unappreciative stories. Like Gears of War, Darkness(soon), and other things.


The Stranded Four is getting some changes. · 9:53pm Jul 6th, 2015

For those who read my fan-fic, The Stranded Four, note that is going to be gone for a while. It's going to get a remodeling of the plot, characters, and settings. "Why?" you might ask. Well, for starters I made a lots of mistakes on the character development, as well as plot development. As I was having a hard time trying to write the next chapter. Each time I tried to write it, it just didn't seem to be able to fit with the others. Also some of the earlier chapters didn't connect well with the

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Report UNITLuna004 · 406 views ·
Comments ( 33 )
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KO thanks for adding my story into your favorites and hope you’ll enjoy reading it as well as you click the thumbs up button and tell all your friends about it! :pinkiehappy:(X50):rainbowdetermined2:(X40)

Are you interested in doing a collaboration story with me? It has Kilala97 characters.

Ha-lo! Thanks for adding my story, Friends With Benefits to your Faves! It's nice to know someone cares for my style of humor, wit, and insanity… Oh, wai,t you haven't done that yet. Pfft, assumption are the mother of fuck ups… I do appreciate the watch, though. :yay:

plz make ch.4 on your human and you the engineer and the soldier...plz

Thanks for the fave! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the favb:pinkiehappy:
may I ask if their is a particular reason it is on the best stories ever read? Just curious:scootangel:

Thanks for the fav...heh

Thanks for the favorite! I really appreciate it.:twilightsmile:

Thanks on the fav on the Ed Edd n Eddy crossover

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