The Toby Mason Appreciation Association 190 members · 212 stories

Toby Mason, the main protagonist in the A New Home series, has been through triumph and heartbreak. And for that, a group should be made in his honor.

This is that boy's group.

If anybody makes a story involving Toby - whether it is a one-shot or a 500 chapter epic - then it will ultimately end up being put here.

This group was not only made in preparation for A New Home III, which is already out, but also as a tribute to everybody's favorite child OC.

Both the banner and cover photo of this group were created by Shutterguy22, in case anyone wanted to know. His Deviantart

Comments ( 91 )
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Comment posted by The Mysterious Lombax deleted Aug 17th, 2015
Comment posted by The Mysterious Lombax deleted Aug 17th, 2015

I say they should make a movie that has all the children of Equestria, Bolt, Nyx, and the Beings of Harmony included. I've been having these weird visions in my dreams that may relate to scenes in the movie.

You know what the next crossover with Toby should be? TRANSFORMERS! Thats right, Optimus Prime and Toby, think it over...:twilightsheepish::trollestia::ajsmug::yay::rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy:

344648 Or an animated movie, a movie would be nice.

341419 somepony needs to make all three trilogy of toby life into a hard cover book and sell it with Jason aka apoeticheart permission or do that and send it to Jason

341403 I was thinking the same for my kid

330095 first chance i get i'm naming my kid Toby middle name mason or nickname

330109 It's likely, actually.

330104 or APoeticHeart read this definition before writing A New Home 1

330095 So Toby is an actual word....?


It's like it knows....

Was derping on Urban Dictionary when I decided to type in "Toby" to see what it said and the first definition is:

A Toby is someone lovable, caring and stylish.
They are very good friends, and will always be there if you need a shoulder to lean on.
They can be a bit thoughtless at times with their choice of words, though it is rare for them to intentionally hurt you. Unless they dislike you.
Then they can be arrogant and selfish, and greedy and cold.
But overall, a Toby is definetely someone you would want as your friend/boyfriend; they are usually good-looking guys with a great personality.

Pretty much our Toby. The exception is this part:

They can be a bit thoughtless at times with their choice of words, though it is rare for them to intentionally hurt you. Unless they dislike you.
Then they can be arrogant and selfish, and greedy and cold.

but everything else is good

329352 It has been done! Thank you for you sort of understandingmintation.


As you should be! Decent, upstanding folk only fuck children and siblings of their own species.

But, if you remove it from the list, I shall consider bygones to be bygones, and leave you to your sick, twisted ways.

329349 There is! It's glorious. :rainbowkiss:

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