• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

The Gamer Master Archive

I have officially left Fimfiction. Thanks for the great 2 Years, Guys!

Behold what I consider to be bitter disappointments!


Ode to Gamer Master · 5:32am Mar 8th, 2016

You know, everyone has that moment in their life. You think to yourself, "I can't just stay here, writing crossovers about ponies! I gotta be a man! I gotta have more variety with my crossovers!"

So that's it. That's right guys! Thanks, for being here. For my two years on Fimfiction.

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Comments ( 191 )
  • Viewing 172 - 191 of 191

2093190 It's so OP, I reserve it for the final battle, in fact. Because otherwise, I wouldn't even have any sort of challenge at all!

By the way, have you ever tried this combo in Wind Waker HD?

Wallet fully upgraded and completely full + Magic Armor + Elixir Soup. With the way they changed how the Magic Armor works, there can only be one outcome - ENEMIES GETTING RAPED!!!

2081699 Same. Unlike April's Gaim Gaiden, these were actually good, and the main villain, Shaura finally wasn't another Apple Rider! Dark Riders are fine.

Bonjour. I assume you've seen the latest Gaim Gaiden.

Tell me, what did you think when our favorite Ambiguously Gay French man showed up to take on Neo Baron? I almost pitied that team when that happened, because their chances of winning just went adieu when he showed up.

2026914 I've seen it. I just don't comment.

By the way, in case you didn't see the thread I posted yesterday...

In the Chaser Special, Drive is going to team up with another Rider who is very similar to him.

I will give you but one hint about that other Rider's identity: Don't question him.

1957917 No, we just got confirmation. A reliable source has confirmed that Kyuemon is indeed a male.

And here's a magazine scan of his original human form that's the decisive proof.


By the way, you know how feminine Kyuemon looks?

It seems we might have been thrown a curveball in that respect. Think Virgo Horoscopes, and you'll get what I mean.

1950339 No, but I'll manage somehow.

1950338 Amazon's the best place to go. U have the Prime 2 Day Shipping right?

1950337 Well, it's not completely busted yet. Hopefully, I can make it last long enough to get a new one next week from amazon.com.

1950124 Didn't see it, but my condolences, you at least backed that data on a Micro SD right?

I'm kind of sad that you didn't write anything in response to this.

Games are something you live for, right? You could have at least given your condolences for that.

Thanks for the favorite, it mean so much to me, thanks. I hope to give you a interesting version of Kiva story.:twilightsmile:

1902120 Yeah. Ryoma pulled a Screw This, I'm Outta Here when the Yggdrasill Tower was being totally overrun by Helheim, so he wasn't around to see the debut of Kiwami Arms.

1902053 U think this is because before Ryouma came back Mitsuzane was the main villain of Gaim

1902032 Actually, he wasn't around when it made its debut. And when he finally saw it, instead of reacting the way he did to Kachidoki, he carefully analyzed its stats and how it was able to summon Arms Weapons, from what I recall.

Now Mitchy, on the other hand, had that sort of reaction when he saw Kiwami Arms for the first time.

  • Viewing 172 - 191 of 191
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