• Member Since 12th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen September 17th

kyuubi gear

Always walk with your head held high and never give up for what you believe in. -my quote I am a very kind person and I am very happy in making new friends. Skype username is kyuubiXX


I'm back again! And I'm getting to work! · 6:16am Jun 26th, 2015

Hey everyone! Well after finally finishing my Highschool of the dead story. I can fainally get back to work on the F.A.T.E series once again. Now if any of you want to read my other story, The link is in my old blog post. But I finally have the plot all down for the F.A.T.E series, As well as some ideas for some spin-offs.

If anyone has any ideas that they would like to add for the series, Then by all means message me anytime and I will answer any of your questions.

Report kyuubi gear · 383 views ·

The F.A.T.E series

  • TF.A.T.E 2
    After the events of F.A.T.E, peace has been restored back to equestira and on earth. Night shadows terror has been put to rest, the mane 12 have now become legendary heroes. But all of that changes now...
    kyuubi gear · 40k words  ·  31  24 · 872 views

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Who am I you ask?

Name: kyuubi gear

Real name: it's not important

Age: 23

Skype username: kyuubiXX

Facebook: clayton Robinson

Fanfiction.net: kyuubi gear

Likes: any story that suits my fancy. Good or bad

Dislikes: I don't know just yet, give me some time

That's all i got for now, sorry