• Member Since 6th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 22nd, 2023



The Future of "CMC: Next Gen" · 9:53am Jun 26th, 2019

I realized it's been over a year since this fic's been updated. There are a number of reasons, many of them being other projects.

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Comments ( 412 )
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Comment posted by Animefireblade13 deleted June 9th

She already made it clear she is not making another audio drama series for the Bride of Discord universe. People please stop telling her to do it

if you manage to ever come back please make an audio series for son in law of discord! if youre auditioning voice actors id love to try out!

She doesn't really do too much pony content anymore, aside from her crossover videos on her YouTube channel. Her last blog post on here was in 2019.

Did something happen to her or has she just retried from writing?

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