Fluttercord 1,632 members · 1,228 stories

Welcome to Fluttercord, a shipping group for one of the best parings in all the fandom.

Please put fics in the approptate folders.

18+- Anything that isn't age appropriate goes here.

Shipfic- Shipfics go here

Other Genre- Stories that aren't nessairly ship fics but are centered around Fluttershy and Discord.

The Family- Stories about the offspring of this awesome couple.

Comments ( 96 )
  • Viewing 77 - 96 of 96

Somebody write a Fluttercord/Tarzan AU

Hello Fluttercord shippers! I'm new here and I just completed two oneshots involving Fluttershy and Discord. Check it out!

I’m looking for a fimfiction I read a little while ago about a fluttercord speedy pregnancy where fluttershy and discord are having sex and fluttershy decides she wants kids so discord uses his magic and fluttershy conceives and births triplets in an afternoon. But I forgot the name and didn’t favorite or save it.

Hello. I am a desperate person. I'm looking for a fanfic that I have (probably) all the chapters called (possibly) Reform School. It's from Equestria Girls. Discord gets out of detention and Fluttershy is asked to help him have more friends, but he ends up getting chaos magic. I am a desperate person. Please.

Hiii! haven't really had a chance to check this site out, but here we are! this is also my first group, so i hope i get a great experience in this one! i'm Odaxia, btw!

I finally figured out how to make an account. But I'm a long time lurker and now I'm here.

I'm kinda new here too, do you mind sharing? It's confusing :rainbowderp:

Hi, I recently joint the web, I love fluttercord and I'm currently writting a fanfic about them called My Little Pony: love is magic, go check it out if you're interested :pinkiesmile:

A Fluttercord GROUP? Dedicated to FLUTTERCORD? Sign. Me. UP!

Yep!!! 😃😃😃

Hey FlutterCord fans, anyone still here in 2021?

#fluttercord4ever :heart:

Comment posted by Heartstrings1 deleted May 23rd, 2020

I'm looking for a Discord Story of O Fluttershy Rainbow Dash both having a crush on him it was based on season 9 Premiere he got hit

Hello everyone!! I just recently joined the group. Fluttercord is my favorite ship and I hope to contribute by making my first story relatively soon!

Comment posted by Skajul Iimeer deleted Apr 7th, 2020

Why is it that 18+ reads 65 but when I click on the folder only like 7 stories appear? This is my first time here so I just don't understand.

**Edit AH HA I figured out how to get it to work out!

Hey guys. I'm very new to the group. It's really nice to meet you all.

CUTEST SHIP IN MLP. Don't you agree? XD

  • Viewing 77 - 96 of 96