Best Random Module EVER
Top Five stories of all time in my eyes
The Sun and her little Sparkle pic inspired alternate universe mommylestia story. by Dark0592 35,510 words · 2,300 · 112
Wings for a Pony The tale of Rainbow Dash's adopted earth pony son for his quest to obtain wings. by Brawney Hooves 66,712 words · 564 · 20
A Day for Mommy Oh what a day, Mothers Day, and Fluttershy has but one way to spend it. by Hivemind 1,085 words · 140 · 5
A New Home A young human child abused by his father wishes to live in a new home, and wishes for someone to love him. by APoeticHeart 138,359 words · 850 · 65
"Mommy's going back to Heaven." Rainbow Dash's father had always told his little filly that her mother was an angel sent to them from Heaven. Is that why she's dying? Does she need to go home? by KrishnaKarnak 4,310 words · 254 · 8
Best stories of all time,if you say otherwise I ask you to prove it which you most likely can't.
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