• Member Since 27th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen April 20th


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The End of the Trail · 10:39pm Jan 17th, 2015

Hello my friends, I'm sorry to say this but I have hit the end of the trail. The flame of my fondness for this fandom has been slowly dying these past few months and has now finally gone out. I know I have disappeared and returned several times but I simply can't bring myself to write anymore on here anymore or write any stories involving MLP at all. I honestly don't see the point of me having to keep fighting to stay when I should just quit while I'm ahead. With that said I am announcing my

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Report GunsNRoses365 · 1,491 views ·

My Favorite Song From My Top 3 Video Games

Super Mario Bros.

Sonic The Hedgehog

The Legend of Zelda