• Member Since 27th Oct, 2012
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TwiPie Forever! Bi Barista. Gay Horse. Femcolt Artist.

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Comments ( 241 )
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(This entire post is a fucking mess holy shit, I'm sorry.)
As a serious answer, It's both. What's considered cute and conventionally attractive is manufactured by tradition, social-economic status, culture, and so many other factors. There's traits that can kinda of be controlled like dress, but so many traits are genetic and it's really only a genetic lottery to have them in a time period they're considered attractive in a population that considers it attractive. (Lol rereading this makes me sound like an incel, I more meant the self bashing people give themselves over things like height, or the way Western beauty standards are applied to minorities.)

I despise any notion of bio-essentialism, that there's is an objective way to describe beauty or gender, it ultimately robs people of choice. I see idiots give gender nonconforming people shit for "perpetuating gender stereotypes" as if someone defining for themselves what their gender means to them is the problem.

But is cuteness created or something youโ€™re born with?

A willingness to be the cutest horse in the room.

What does it mean to be a femcolt?

Comment posted by Mica deleted May 28th
  • Viewing 237 - 241 of 241
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