• Member Since 9th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 23rd, 2014


The greatest source of inspiration for the stories I write is my insane day dreams.


Stories and Skype. · 6:16pm Nov 12th, 2014

Anywho I am trying to finish my stories up since I know I have been negligent to say the least with updating.

I am going to try to get the final chapter of Rainbow Dash the Sports Star up by this weekend.

I plan to finish the second to last chapter of Pinkie Pie the Royal Knight by this weekend hopefully

I will be continuing with All Mares Want the D as well since I know I haven't updated that one either.

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Report Diablomuerte2 · 699 views ·

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Comments ( 71 )
  • Viewing 67 - 71 of 71

Still here. Still miss your story.

Unrelated to your preceding conversation, can yoou please finish Pinkie Pie the Royal Knight

Unrelated to your preceding conversation, can yoou please finish Pinkie Pie the Royal Knight

Please come back. I miss your story Pinkie Pie the Royal Knight.

So you finished Fluttershys new pet,
cool ima leaf through it.

  • Viewing 67 - 71 of 71
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