Celestia X Luna Shipping (lunestia/princest) 1,022 members · 549 stories

Welcome to the Celestia X Luna shipping group, here we welcome everyone and have only a few rules and feel free to use the forums for anything appropriate.

Partially Celestia X Luna folder is for fics that do not focus on Celestia and Luna or they are also paired with other ponies (twilunestia would go here for example)

Fics are to only be added by the original author or by someone who has ALREADY READ the fic and is using his/her best judgment to categorize it.

some rules to follow:
• Must be Celestia X Luna(DUH).
• Clop is for anything sexual(DUH) and not gore or dark.
• No double posting in several folders.
• Dark does not mean "dark tag" use your best judgment to decide if a fic is dark or not.
• Any amount of gore goes into the Gore folder, no exceptions.
• Fics staring Nightmare Moon go in the moonlestia folder. (for when Luna is actually her alternate self)

Latest contest winning entrees:
1st - Best Princess by Nom_deChavel
2nd - Fresh Physique by thegapinhumanity

Is your work posted here? if so ask about our shiny contributor status membership option. Include such features as a new shiny emblem!!(you know you want one)

Please report miss-categorized fics over in the admin support thread or post any other concerns there as well! (update: 23-01-14 new folder moonlestia. fics staring nightmare moon indiffrent folders should be reported; so they can be moved)

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Comments ( 29 )
  • Viewing 10 - 29 of 29

Is there any way we can remove the clop from the general folder when the admins haven’t logged in in almost a year?

okayyy... so I guess I ship Princest/Celuna/Lunestia?? cool

Comment posted by HeartShatter deleted Jan 21st, 2018

I do believe I have just found the best group in existence

Comment posted by UndeniablyUnmajestic deleted Apr 6th, 2015
Comment posted by The Drunken Sailor deleted Apr 6th, 2015


new folder "moonlestia"

please put nightmare moon x celestia fics in here. any help in migrating fics from other folders to the new one is welcomed :scootangel:

319191 looks like it was removed. i removed it from the group. i actually am following the author. so if it is re-uploaded. i can add it back. thanks for the heads up ;)

Hey, There's something wrong with "The Taste of The Night" in the clop folder. When I clicked on it said that the story doesn't exist.

ImJustAnotherBrony is now admin:scootangel:

oh and has actually contributed some writing to the group, go check it out: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/80741/sibling-rivalry

Comment posted by ElderBrony deleted Jul 10th, 2013

sorry about all the updates, one is a legit new fic. the others are just from maintenance.

returning to normal is a new addition

over 100 members, woot!

Comment posted by SteampunkScootaloo deleted Mar 8th, 2013
Comment posted by Poco deleted Mar 8th, 2013
Comment posted by SteampunkScootaloo deleted Mar 8th, 2013

I have made 3 different headers with permission of the artist.

tell me which one you like best:


298579 DONE!! sorry it took forever, my bad

  • Viewing 10 - 29 of 29