• Member Since 17th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 9th, 2020


Reader and group admin and creator.


season 3 finale · 8:16pm Feb 16th, 2013

omygosh, it was the most amazing thing. never thought i would enjoy an official episode more then a fanfic, being fanfics are more open to long adventures and stuff lie drunk humor and other things the show simply can't use, but that last episode was just perfect.

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Report SteampunkScootaloo · 428 views ·
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Hello Steampunkscootaloo, I am just posting this here comment in order to say thanks for adding me to your watch list. :twilightsmile:


thanks for the contribution to the celestia x luna group.

Woot! Thanks for the watch!


Nice profile pic:twilightsmile:

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