• Member Since 6th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 11th, 2018

John H


You guys are great! · 5:41am Mar 1st, 2013

This is a shoutout for everyone who enjoyed reading my one-shot I published while preparing a re-write of my first two chapters for W2FA1. (If you haven't checked it out, feel free to. It's decent from what the pony folk say.)

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Comments ( 45 )
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Will you be finishing up When Two Fly As One?

I would write something happier, my friend, but that's just not where my mind is at right now.... Sorry 'bout that. Anyways, hope you have a good day :pinkiehappy:

Love your story "when two fly as one"!:twilightsmile: it's beautiful, and you don't rush it at all. You also catch their personalities perfectly. Can't wait for the new chapters!

Jeez, I was just joking around...

127466 It took two seconds to do that. Also, I'm having money woes from the outdoors job not giving me a paycheck because we're waiting on our client to pay us. I can't wait to find a normal job willing to pay me enough to have only one job.

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This image is important!

This is totally not a spoiler for my story in any way whatsoever. However, if you do the artsy-stuff and would like to make those artsy pics related to my story, lemme know! Or you can just do it anyway then show me a link to it!