• Member Since 10th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 12th, 2022



Editor Wanted · 2:44am Jun 19th, 2013

Yo, guys. It's been a little while. I apologize for the virtual abandonment of Through the Trials and Tribulations, and I really do want to work on it, but in the words of another great writer, every time I look at it, I want to run away screaming. That, and I've been going through a very stressful point in my life due to emotional and family issues which have been sapping me of motivation for everything. Don't worry. I won't bore you with the details.

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Comments ( 81 )
  • Viewing 77 - 81 of 81

Thanks for the fave on What's the Worst He Can Say?. :twilightsmile:


Some spit ? :rainbowhuh:
I spiting on my computeur but nothing happen :pinkiehappy:
Joke aside I will make it better. :rainbowdetermined2:


308206 No problem. Your story really has a good idea behind it. It just needs some spit and polish.

Thank you for the favourite and the advice.


  • Viewing 77 - 81 of 81
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