• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011
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A Good Pace · 10:05pm Sep 17th, 2020

It's time...

I made a promise that I'd keep up a good pace now that my life is in a better place. And now I have the second to last chapter.

We're nearing on the home stretch.

The Gentleman Creeper's Library

Comments ( 76 )
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Thanks for favoriting my silly vampire story.

Level Up! You have earned the Achievement: Thank you for having added High Score! to your favorites! Keep reading, I mean playing, if you want to grind to a 100 percent completion! :rainbowwild:

And also thank you so much for the watch. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for having added my more.. Hmm, let's say mature romance story, The Return of Anon, to your favorites. I'll hope you you keep enjoying it. :heart::rainbowkiss:

Thank you for adding At Your Service to your favorites! I'm glad that you're enjoying it! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding War Mages and False Prophets to your favorites :twilightsmile:

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