Scorched[2nd Person] You, a thief, winds up working for the Apple Kody910
40,745 words
· 1,590 · 26
Room 213[2nd POV] You wake up in a strange bed next to a certain cello player you've come to Whirring Gears
62,144 words
· 1,792 · 35
It Takes a VillageSpike only wants things to stay the same. Time, however, has other ideas. He's going to need determamfidd
148,765 words
· 3,636 · 66
Stories that are under-appreciated
For a Few Octaves More2nd Person Octavia Shipping. Now with 20% more cello battles. by Muppetz
4,438 words
· 120 · 6
A Queen & YouYou find Chrysalis, the Queen of the Changelings herself, on your your porch. What do you do next?by Lord of Nothing
23,024 words
· 551 · 36
2087357 While I enjoyed the story there were just a couple things that I didn't like. To start how the pairing. It felt a little rushed; I would of liked to see some more bonding scenes between Spike and Applejack. This is only my personal opinion though, so you shouldn't feel compelled to have to write something like this for my (or any reader for that matter) sake. Next, maybe I missed something but just how did Spike figure out that the almost kiss was the subject of Applejack's dream as soon as he heard the dream was about dragons? Why would that be the first conclusion he comes to? Why did Spike fall unconscious at the end? Did he hit his head or something? With all that being said, I did like the story so please don't feel slighted or insulted about the library I sorted it in. Thank you for your time.
Thanks for the fave...but which one does mine fall under?
Hey there! Thanks for the favorite on Dusk Shine's Saga!
Hope you keep reading.
2087357 While I enjoyed the story there were just a couple things that I didn't like. To start how the pairing. It felt a little rushed; I would of liked to see some more bonding scenes between Spike and Applejack. This is only my personal opinion though, so you shouldn't feel compelled to have to write something like this for my (or any reader for that matter) sake.
Next, maybe I missed something but just how did Spike figure out that the almost kiss was the subject of Applejack's dream as soon as he heard the dream was about dragons? Why would that be the first conclusion he comes to?
Why did Spike fall unconscious at the end? Did he hit his head or something? With all that being said, I did like the story so please don't feel slighted or insulted about the library I sorted it in. Thank you for your time.
Thanks for checking my story, Heart Invasion 101! It's a bit unconventional, but I'm glad you found something to enjoy in it.
I'm glad to know that you were able to see those aspects in the work.