• Member Since 16th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen July 4th


I just hope to entertain people with my fancy horse words. I always appreciate criticism.

About Me

I like writing.

I like MLP:FiM.

I like entertaining people in a variety of ways.

I love hearing ideas.

If I'm being insulting, please tell me so, I almost certainly don't mean to be.

I love constructive criticism in pretty much any form.

I hate dedicated ignorance and cruelty.

Feel free to ask me questions, I don't usually volunteer information, but I have little issues talking about myself. Personal quirk.

Latest Stories


IT WILL LIVE SOON · 4:01am Sep 28th, 2016

Okay, so, original intent was for the chapter to be up today, but my head is killing me and I'm not happy with the chapter at the moment. I'm going to work on it more tomorrow night and should have it up tomorrow. Gonna be about half to a third of the size of my usual chapters, but it'll be up tomorrow night.

Report Andoriol · 885 views · Story: Consequences of Darkness ·
Comments ( 85 )
  • Viewing 81 - 85 of 85

Hope you're doing ok!

Hope you're doing well

Please update consequences of Darkness I love the story

Please please come back! I must know how big Emeris' harem gets!

Just a thank you for consequences. Amazing story.

  • Viewing 81 - 85 of 85
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