• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 6th, 2022


Writer of stories!


Hello everyone! My name is Starwin (as you might have already figured out if you're on my page). I’ve been a FanFiction writer for several years, having done works in a few other universe (such as Harry Potter and WITCH over on ffnet).

Now I have discovered the magical world of MLP. Having seen the amazing fan community based around the show I decided it was something I wanted to get involved in as well. Writing seemed like the perfect contribution point.


Amazing Fan Art! No, seriously, AMAZING! · 7:37pm Jan 3rd, 2020

Wait, 2020?! What the... I mean... wow, okay...

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Comments ( 47 )
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I'm glad you enjoyed them! I hope you like the other stories as well, even if they are a bit different. I haven't stopped writing but I'm not publishing any work at the moment either.

Made an account just to say how much I loved Veil of Thoughts and Fragments of Memories, and I’m in the process of reading your other works. Please don’t stop writing, you have amazing talent!

Nope, still alive. Sadly not writing as much as I would like. I do actually have a story I've been working on for a while but I just can't find the drive to finish...

3 years. I wouldn't want to make any assumptions, but you're probably dead. Prove me wrong? please?

Come back to us, Starwin...

  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47
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