• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 6th, 2022


Writer of stories!


Amazing Fan Art! No, seriously, AMAZING! · 7:37pm Jan 3rd, 2020

Wait, 2020?! What the... I mean... wow, okay...

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2016 Update · 6:45pm Feb 6th, 2016

Hello everyone! I know it's been a while since I posted anything and without going into way more detail than I think anyone wants, I'll just say that I haven't been super inspired to create this past year. Not just in writing but all creative aspects of my life have been somewhat on hold, not abandon, just not at the forefront. Mostly its just been me escaping reality (into games and tv shows and stuff), rather than working to create my own.

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The Stuff and the Things... and stuff... · 4:11pm Apr 7th, 2015

Hellos again everyone! I thought you might like an update on some of the stuff and maybe even the things, that I'm working on.

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Where we go from here... · 4:22am Feb 9th, 2015

Wow, I've really neglected my blog posts... Mostly it's because I put my (fun(?)) comments in my authors notes. I would like to get more in the habit of... updates? Sharing stuff? Not sure what to call it...

Ah, rambling, there we go. More rambling... The internet doesn't have enough of that. Oh! Also more cat videos. I haven't ever done one, so that would be like an increase of 8 billion %, right? My math might be a little off...

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Got my Beta Readers! · 6:24pm Jan 19th, 2014

Thank you everyone who sent in a request to beta read (I got a lot more responses than I expected). I have sent out messages to everyone I've selected to beta read (based on some voodoo magic, dice rolls and other contributing factors).

If you weren't selected for this round, don't fret too much, the chapter is only a week (-ish) away and there is always the possibility of next time (depending on how well this goes).

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So You Want to Read the Next Chapter Before Everyone Else? · 6:00pm Jan 18th, 2014

So, I've never really tried having beta readers before (mostly because I am working on chapters right up to the moment I publish (and I'm super paranoid about my stuff)). And while that is still the case here, I feel the next chapter is... to use the game dev term - out of alpha where anything crazy could happen and more in beta, where it is mostly how it will appear, with just some bugs to fix.

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Dec 26th - The Story Continues · 7:45am Dec 23rd, 2013

The first chapter of the sequel to "Veil of Thoughts" will post the day after xmas. For now here is the cover image teaser. Enjoy!

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Veil of Thoughts, now in mobile format! · 7:36pm Aug 31st, 2013

Hello everyone! I had a request from a reader for a mobile version of Veil of Thoughts (specifically for the Kindle). So, spent most of my morning in conversion land and fixing html to xhtml. So at long last present to you:

Veil of Thoughts for Kindle

Veil of Thoughts for Epub


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Unpublished Files - Part 5 · 4:31am Jul 22nd, 2013

Hellos again everyone! Comic Con was crazy as always but got some neat stuff and saw some fun panels (sadly I didn't make it to the MLP panel nor could I get close to the Hasbro booth to get the toy. But I still had a fun, if somewhat crazy, time).

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Unpublished Files – Part 4 · 1:38am May 31st, 2013

Today we dive into attempt number 2 at a sequel to Veil of Thoughts. This one is a little more tricky than the others. It isn't technically one story like previous unpubs, it's a bunch of stories.

Let me elaborate.

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