• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 6th, 2022


Writer of stories!


  • EFragments of Memories
    After surviving a spell that merged Twilight and Dash into a single being, the two mares are still struggling to get back to as normal a life as they can have. Except, didn’t they used to have more friends? Why is it so hard to remember…
    Starwin · 110k words  ·  911  23 · 10k views

After an unknown accident Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash awake to find themselves sharing the same body! Now they must struggle to hold themselves together as their world is turned upside down. How long can two ponies exist in a single mind? It’s a race against time as they search for answers before it’s too late. When all is said and done, you’ll never look at Twilight Dash the same way again.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 1897 )

I am liking this story so far.

Keep it up. Here's an applejack for you. :ajsmug:

Until I saw the "Sad" tag I thought someone shipped Twidash to hard. :pinkiehappy:
I'll give it a look later.

You could take this in many, many directions...

I'll keep an eye on this.

I'll read this later but what I have read I see a feature coming

You know what interests me most about this story? In most "two brains, one body" stories, the "brains" are neatly kept apart. They essentially wrest control from each other to manipulate the body, or they split the body in two. Here, they're mish-mashed together into one consciousness. It feels just like something like that would: confusing, disconnected, and blurry. I can kinda see towards the end that the two personalities are floating back out, but... I almost don't want them to. Keep it in that cloudy goo. The vagueness and the disorientation are what make it so fascinating.

the concept reminds me of shylight. i'll look into this.

Very well put together. Looking forward to more chapters in the future!

potential. Writhe more about what really happen. I am looking forward to see more from you

Somepony tried doing the fusion dance and it went horribly horribly wrong.

Let me guess, you got the idea from Shylight ? Still, well done, and its nice that others have taken that idea.

Oh lord...so many reminders of Dual Pie:

:pinkiegasp::pinkiecrazy: : "FINISH UP YOUR STUPID STORY, XAOS! OR AT LEAST DO THAT LAST CHAPTER OF OMAKE 3! ....:pinkiesad2: I just wanna see Dashie again..."

I'm lovin this so far, cannot wait to see where it goes

Wow I was imaging about something like this, but I'm just a simple reader who is too lazy to try to write any fanfictions.

I'm not sure where this is going, and I'm not sure what the "sad" tag has to do with it; but it's very interesting, and very well put. Nicely done.

Hellos Clappie!
Actually, up until I received comments on this work I had never heard of "Shylight" (although, once I am all done with this story I will head over and take a look at it). The idea for this story stems from a post about MLP fanfiction which talked about specific terms used in this universe. One of those was the tendency for writers to mash up two character names in a shipping story. I liked the idea of Twilight Dash, it just sort of sounded neat, but I'm not so big into shipping. In the end, this was the result.

Wow :pinkiegasp:I was imaging about something like this, but I'm just a simple reader who is too lazy to try to write any fanfictions.:pinkiehappy:

Hellos iEspeon!
The Sad tag is more of a just-in-case. While the overall story (so far) isn't sad, the underlying theme (two minds trapped in a single body, struggling to survive) is a little sad. Certainly not happy-fun-time. Can't say much more than that without spoilers on future chapters.

So, you went with the "Twi screws up a spell" cliche? Where did that even come from, exactly?

Hellos meme-asaurus!
Maybe. But then again, maybe not. The story hasn't yet touched on the nature of what exactly happened. Without being too spoiler-ish, all I can say is I think you might be surprised when we get there.

New title for story: How Alicorns are Made.

nah, not really.
This is very interesting... I await more eagerly.

Well now.
Looks like Ah'm gonna have to track y'all's story.
How do ya like them apples? :ajsmug:

Oooh. This is pertinent to my interests. Faved so hard.

Well, looks like something just got relevant to me! Tracking.:pinkiehappy:

Very nice, needs more chapters. things can only get weirder from here on

Four Spikes, sir. :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Mush for a brain is good. Two thoughts intermingling causing bad motor control is awesome. Keep at it.

Veeeeering interestingly. And I almost meant to type that that way.

I am going to keep an eye on this. :twilightsmile:

This is the only Twi-Dash I can get behind! Bravo.


I would say the most notorious example would be It's Dangerous Business - Twilight accidentally uses too much magical lube(don't laugh) and ends up frying her horn. It's Dangerous Business is a pretty damn straightforward adventure fic in terms of tropes - a goal, time constraint, romance subplot, but it's still good.

Anyway, it's only a cliche if it happens arbitrarily(by chance for an example), but lets say if someone sabotaged her textbook or some other shenanigans(with a reasonable cause-effect) are involved, it's okay.

815550 So, you're saying that Twilight screwing up a spell is some sort of our personal unoffical trope?

Very interesting.
Will be fun to see where you are going with this.

I only loved every moment of this.

Added to "Read Later".

And now that I've read it I just have one thing to say:
My, my.

Please please be. A fast writer I must read moar

I am currently planing to post a new chapter every Sunday (next one will be July 1st) until we reach the conclusion of the story.

I'm sur Dashie and Twi can fit together in some point and make some balance. I mean meanwhile Rainbow Dash is subborn, brave and confident and ofcort a good flyer Twilight Sparkel is calm, wise and strong magican.

that's crazy bitch, i love it

Interesting concept and fairly well executed. Keep it up!

What just happened?

Too epic for words.

I've seen a case where 2 minds in one body works quite well, but can also fail: Kamen Rider W. The intro song even says "2 bodies and souls in one". I also think that that's half of why the story appeals to me, the other half being PONIES!

I love how rational thought is completely useless and obliterated in this story.

My thoughts exactly, I'll have to look into this later. I am very confused/intrigued by the presence of a sad tag instead of a comedy tag.

This is very bizarre, in a good way. The way that "they" think leaves you almost as jumbled up as the character(s?):applejackconfused: are without being off putting.

Officially one of my favourite stories now.:moustache::pinkiehappy:.

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