Upcoming Chapter Ideas Wanted · 7:38am November 30th
A future chapter will cover what Luna did over the summer while Inova was in Canterlot. What I'm looking for are basic ideas of places Luna went and the shenanigans/hijinks/tomfoolery that may have happened there. Feel free to submit as many ideas as you want.
I already have events for Ponyville, Las Pegasus, Los Pegasus, and Appleloosa. Luna is traveling with a squad of thestral guards led by Captain Dove. Yes, I went with a slightly ironic name for her.
3229468 I'm going to say maybe. Possibly. Perhaps. There's a chance I'm considering being active on here. I'm not sure. I've been thinking about it. I'll have to get back to you later on that.
And yes, I did decide to wait a whole year to respond! Mwahaha!
hello, are you still active?
thank you
2916305 Sure.
may i add your displaced story's to my Displaced Shipping in my group please
group Pure Balance Dragon Council