Who's awesome? · 12:53am Sep 3rd, 2015
I just wanted to take a moment out of the day to talk to you all.
It's been quite the long couple of years since Shaw showed me what fanfiction was in the city of [REDACTED]. I had never quite known what Shaw would get me into. I am saddened that I do not recall the exact date of that fateful day, but I do remember the events quite clearly. Oh the Butterfly Effect and the wonderful will it weaved.
He's dead? What happened?
well this is sad I find yet another dead author
I like your story G.
I hope everything is doing ok for you.
Cool stories, I hope you come back soon! You left right before my b-day, LOL.
ayy lmao
this page is dead, sad but such is life.
Hey I know your not on right now but I wanted to let you know you are not a burden, I don't know what in life has caused you to think this but you are not you are a person who helps others through tuf time by making these story's ive had times where I was depressed or freak outs due to something happen in life but it stops when I read your amazing story's if anything I sometimes feel like I burden you or other writers wanting to see what happens next injoy what you do and things happen you just got to live through it. Have a good night my friend and a great tomorrow.
So, how have you been doing. I hope everything's been working out well.
That sounds like Depression talking. Sorry no one noticed this earlier. I strongly recommend you phone a friend or family member and talk your feelings out. If you feel like that would make things worse try a Hotline instead. They do help.
Please reply. Posting something like that then going incommunicado for almost a week is pretty scary.