• Member Since 4th Jun, 2012
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Blaze Song

Hello everypony! Mr Song here


To the Immortalverse · 12:57am Aug 16th, 2013

Well, I've finially found a story 'verse/Group that feels right for Blaze Song, Unicorn of the Sonic Flame, Yay!! *rave dances* Ithe verse is still in it infancy.. But thus far it has bucket-loads 'o' potential.. Rich, Tasty Potential, Yum Yum ^_^ Woo! Come Join The ImmortalVerse

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Ah, you found the original version, Starlight in a Broken Vessel. Yes, I started the whole thing over and made a new story, and so I added "Refined" to the start of the title to show that this was going to be a better-written version. I still have the old version somewhere. I might reupload it at some point in the future.

I read Broken Starlight ages ago, when you first stared writing it, and forgot to add it to my tracking/favs list, and I recently found it again.

Thanks for favoriting Refined Starlight and one of its spinoffs. I'm wondering what gave you particular interest in them to put them on your "shelf". I appreciate knowing what readers enjoy.

I have danced with the devil in the pale moonlight to bring you Romancing the (Martial) Artist. I'm thankful you appreciated the effort enough to give it a favorite.

  • Viewing 54 - 58 of 58
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