• Member Since 30th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 21st, 2013

The Collab Cage


January's Collab Officially Complete -- February's Active -- March Discussion · 11:04pm Feb 18th, 2013

Hello, collaborators! PC here, realizing I kind of suck at giving out information via this profile. In time, I'll try and update things more often, make this profile's page a little prettier, but just bear with me for now, folks.

First off, though I'm super late with it, January's collab is now 'Complete'. Every entry delivered on time has been edited and posted--there were a few recently added, so make sure you check those out even if you've already read it.

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This'll get an avatar as soon as an artist volunteers, I assume.

You know what this profile needs? Avatars... lots and lots of avatars. :pinkiecrazy:

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