Everypony loves a good party to ring in the New Year, celebrating the completion of the old and the promise of the new. There's friends and family, fireworks for some, crackers and decorations, the midnight kiss, and, for many, a bit too much alcohol.
Thus enter our story where somepony awakes on the first of the year, completely oblivious to the night before. Who did they see? What did they do? What did they say? It's potentially all downhill from here as they ask the one question on everypony's mind:
What the hay happened last night?
In this collab, each author chose a single pony or non. They were tasked with having this character awaken with little to no memory of the previous night's celebrations. This character would then go on a search to find out exactly what happened. The idea was to create a bit of mystery--and probably a fair bit of comedy--in really trying to make it a sort of discovery for both the character and the author.
Cover, used without permission (so it might change), by PegaSisters82.