• Member Since 20th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 31st, 2014

Silver Tongue

I write for my own amusement. I get into shenanigans. I'm open to talk to. Drop a line. Say Hi. Yell at me. Cry on my shoulder. I just really like mail, ok? *Floats away* I can do that because pegasus


Whoa Damn · 3:08am Jan 16th, 2014

I forgot how to fimfiction. Oops. How long have I disappeared for? Yikes....

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Comments ( 1169 )
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1581053 Ah. The first one was Stalin the Stallion, although he gave a reason why. Felt horrible after that because he was the only one I knew.


well similar thing happend to me except it was a writer

not an artist

most people know him as divide by zero

i know him as the guy who made my oc

i thank him for that, shame i couldn't have gotten to know him better

1580549 Yeah. This happens every time I find an artist and ask for a work of art. They disappear afterwards.


alright thanks anyways

even tho i gave up *cough* maybe a couple years ahead on contacting him

1422730 Yeah. Good lyck getting an answer from him. HE tends to appear for one day and disappear for the next few years.

  • Viewing 1,165 - 1,169 of 1,169
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