• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday



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I remember seeing it in Team Fortress 2 like a decade ago and loving it. Then, google.

Where did you get your avatar?

Thanks for favoriting my story!

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Five Long Years... · 11:23pm Feb 19th, 2017

Happy (late) anniversary to myself! It's scary to think how much can happen in five long years, the twists and turns life brings. And yet, a degree, a moderately successful writing career, and a marriage (with my past pre-reader) later, here I am once again. I find myself scared by the several thousand new chapters my favorite stories have accumulated since my last visit. I'm perplexed by how many comments and messages I've missed in my several year absence. And, I'm deeply saddened by the

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Report neutralmilk · 717 views · Story: Screw Loose ·