• Member Since 10th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 12th, 2013

Marshmallow Swirl


Maybe · 4:04pm Jan 31st, 2013

I think I might start working on the next chapter again. I've been thinking of ways to end the chapter, but if it's too short, then sorry. I think I have an idea though! So.. cya later for now! Be expecting an update soon!
Edit: Important! There's going to be a slight delay, but I'm working hard!
Terra: Get back to writing already!

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Comments ( 10 )
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hey you should think about joinin' ma group:rainbowdetermined2::pinkiecrazy:
keep readin':eeyup:

59121 umm, hi? Can you toss that sock out of that window please?

S'ok. I have that problem all the time.


  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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