• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 11th, 2016

Laichonious the Grey

My list of stuff to do...

1. The Delightful Dragon of Ep
2. Magical Wizard Brony Detectives
3. Legend of the Tree -- CANCELLED
4. Legend of the Moon -- CANCELLED
5. Legend of the Sun -- CANCELLED
6. Beyond Us -- CANCELLED
7. Point of No Return -- CANCELLED
8. Wizard at Large -- probably not

Progress for Progress' Sake

Here ya go, a list of stuff that's happening. I only wish I could make it go *ding* when other stuff happens but that would get annoying, so actually I don't wish I could make it go *ding*.

The Delightful Dragon of Ep
Dev. Stage: Production Release
% Complete:

Legend of the Tree
Dev. Stage: Rewrite: 2nd Draft
% Complete: Overall
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Also: --festering--

Legend of the Moon
Dev. Stage: Plan
% Complete:
Also: --incubating--

Legend of the Sun
Dev. Stage: Plan
% Complete:
Also: --incubating--

Dev. Stage: Cancelled

Beyond Us
Dev. Stage: Awaiting Render
% Complete: (Planning)
Also: --incubating--

Point of No Return

The Dawn of Daring Do

Wizard at Large
Dev. Stage: Hybrid Concept/Render Faff
% Complete: Who knows... mostly CANCELLED
Also: --incufesterbreeding--


Hermitage · 2:22am Jul 22nd, 2014

I wrote this blog before actually returning to the site. (It is rather odd to write in the past tense about a future event, heh, this must be what a Time Lord feels like all the time. No wonder the Doctor is so weird.) Chances are I will feel the same way I do now about the Fandom if or when I return, so pretty much all of this still applies... to the future. Later future edit: Yes, I do feel the same way. In fact, my conviction and resolve have only hardened over the course of the last fifteen

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How to Fiction

So you want to start writing? Not sure how to get started? That's okay! This happens to more people (and ponies) than you think!

If you want, you can check out my Basic Guide to Writing Fiction on my blog or as a GDoc.

Plebeian and I put on a little workshop about writing! So if you're one of those people who learn best by hearing and seeing, head on over to The Thing: Writing, Ponies and You!
Good Luck, and Keep Writing!

The Stuff I Do

Comments ( 48 )
  • Viewing 44 - 48 of 48

Wizard of OZ crossed over with MLP? You're a mad person... bless you.

I love you :raritywink:

It was delicious. :moustache:

  • Viewing 44 - 48 of 48
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