The Return of Princess Nightmare MoonNightmare Moon returns as a battered, half-starved alicorn and its up to everypony to help her. Meanwhile, Blueblood lusts after Twilight Aegis Shield
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1679090 One tip. You need to stop with the 'talking head syndrom'. Nothing in between dialogue, just continuous talking with no description for lengths at a time Its lazy, and I know you can do better. I have read it from start to finish in the past two days. You improved overtime, but you keep doing it. You also very much need an editor.
Did you kill yourself?
Happy New Year!
1679090 One tip. You need to stop with the 'talking head syndrom'. Nothing in between dialogue, just continuous talking with no description for lengths at a time Its lazy, and I know you can do better. I have read it from start to finish in the past two days. You improved overtime, but you keep doing it. You also very much need an editor.
Thanks so very much and kindly for the favorite on Legacy!
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